Studio 1: 911 Greenland Road
Colored porcelain pots & jewelry
Karen took a pottery class shortly after finishing high school in 1970 and was enchanted at first touch! Continuing on to college to major in art, a fellow student introduced her to the colored clay work of Jane Peiser from Penland School of Crafts. Karen’s excitement about Peiser’s work led her to pursue colored clay for her BFA degree work. Karen’s love of clay, color, pattern and form combine to create powerfully irresistible colored porcelain pieces. Porcelain clay is a finicky material at best requiring great skill and attention from the maker. Colored porcelain asks even more. Through her many years of dedication and experience, Karen has mastered the Japanese colored clay technique called neriage or nerikomi. By layering differently colored porcelain together in various combinations, she creates blocks of pattern to use for building her contemporary forms. Her wish is to draw you into the intricate patterns and forms she creates as a reflection of her love and observation of nature. Karen has the good fortune to live on the seacoast in Kittery Point, Maine with her husband and Rosie, the best dog ever!
Karen has been participating in the Portsmouth Holiday Arts Tour since the very beginning in 2000.